Spare the rod...
Arrested? Sounds like this kid needed his rear-end to meet the business end of a leather belt. No, I'm not being harsh. When my children throw tantrums they get a spanking and are sent to their rooms. You know what happens? No, they don't get more violent and start drawing up plans to bomb their school. They quiet themselves down and realize that violent outbursts are not tolerated in our home. The longest I have ever had my children stay in their room without calming themselves down has been ten minutes. Ten minutes!!! It doesn't take handcuffs to restrain an eight year old. It takes parents that aren't afraid to punish their children. I was spanked, denied dinner, bed-time stories, and not allowed to watch TV. You know what? I've never beat up a teacher, taken weapons to school, or even gotten so much as a speeding ticket.
I applaud any and every parent who isn't afraid to discipline their child(ren) properly and is smart enough not to allow a bunch of uptight, spoiled adults to dictate to them how to raise their children. It doesn't take a village; it takes a mother and father who only want what's best for their kids (and yes, sometimes that means corporeal punishment).
I don't disagree with mild corporal punishment (hand, though, not belt). But I never wanted to associate food with reward/punishment--maybe that's a "girl" issue...
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
4:45 PM
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