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You want a crisis? Here's your stinkin' crisis...

Social Security? Nope.

Iraq? Well, sort of...but still, nope.

Falling value of dollar? Bingo.


Blogger The Cure said...

I was calculating the CPI for a Maserati last night. In 1975 they cost $75,000, in 2003 they cost $256,505. I think it is starting to look more like the American Peso then the American Dollar.

1:59 PM

Blogger Aaron Bynum said...


4:56 PM

Blogger tmfrt said...

Ooo I should plan a road trip to New York! heh

I hadn't noticed until recently (when you're in university, it's like the outside world doesn't exist) that the Canadian dollar is now exchanging for $0.82 American. Just last summer when I was working and did exchanges for U.S. customers, it was closer to $0.68.

Damn I gotta pick up a newspaper now and then... tsunami? What tsunami? =|

7:05 PM

Blogger Aaron Bynum said...

My family moved to Bolivia on December 31, 1984. At the time, Pesos were still the currency in use there. I'm not entirely certain, but I believe the exchange rate was something like US$1 to 1,000,000 Pesos. My mom would take a briefcase full of money with her just to go grocery shopping. Hopefully it will never get that bad for us Americans (or our wonderful neighbors to the North; it's too late for Mexico). I probably could have bought a car with my weekly allowance at the time. Within a few years, the Bolivian government had decided to lop off all the zeros and start a new currency. How convenient.

11:53 PM


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